GesPro Group / Excellence Opérationnelle

Feasibility studies and detailed plans

Thinking of undertaking a project, but you still hesitate to go ahead?

We recommend that you carry out a feasibility study with our experts. By evaluating the risks of your project while considering your constraints (schedule, budget, etc.), the study will give you the advantage to make the right decision with data on

Gespro Salutions - Études de faisabités

Feasibility study

As the feasibility study consists of analysing your company's situation and defining your objectives, we will be able to propose and determine viable solutions for the project.

With our team, you will have workable solutions and a precise forecast budget. Each of the hours invested in the preliminary study will save you up to 7 hours of work in appraisal, negotiation, procurement and others.

Go ahead with your project

Once you are ready to undertake your project, we draw up a detailed plan that provides the reference point for overall project planning.

Note that the data collected in the feasibility study and the detailed plan solidifies a funding request file.


We support our customers in the choice and integration of industrial solutions.

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